Preliminary, During the COVID-19 pandemic, work and study activities occur in one place, namely at home, not many parents work at home and have to accompany children to learn from home. This condition adds to the many negative stressors that a mother may feel. Stress is the most common negative emotion experienced by mothers during a pandemic. One way of handling non-pharmacological stress is by way of relaxation.Research purposes, To determine the difference in the average level of stress before and after being given relaxation therapy to parents who accompany SFH children. Research methods, This research was conducted using quantitative methods, sampling using purposive sampling technique. The research design in this research is Quasi Experiment Design.Research result, Based on the results of statistical tests, it can be obtained that the average score of stress levels before relaxation therapy intervention is 22 and experiencing a decrease in stress scores after relaxation therapy intervention is 16.33. The average value of parental stress scores at SDN Setu showed a decrease after being given relaxation therapy 5.67 with a p value of 0.077 greater than = 0.05. Based on the characteristics of the age stress respondents, most of the respondents were 39 years old.Conclusion, based on the results of research on the difference in the average level of stress before and after being given relaxation therapy with the video method on the stress of parents who accompany SFH children at SDN Setu, Tangerang Selatan City in 2021, the authors conclude that there is no significant difference in the provision of relaxation therapy to decrease levels the average stress of parents accompanying SFH children at SDN Setu, South Tangerang City.Suggestion,For further researchers, it is hoped that during the COVID-19 pandemic, during the process of providing interventions and looking for quantitative respondents.
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