• Indra Wahid Zulhaq Nursing, Department of Nursing, Banten College of Health Sciences
  • Fransiska Haryati Nursing, Department of Nursing, Banten College of Health Sciences
  • Boy Subirosa Sabarguna Nursing, Department of Nursing, Banten College of Health Sciences
Keywords: Covid-19, Anxiety, Nurse, Inpatient


At this time the Covid-19 pandemic is still high, one way to prevent this virus is by vaccinating Covid-19 for every nurse in the inpatient room, but there are many factors that make nurses anxious, namely body immunity when receiving vaccines, completeness of PPE used, and the place of service to patients whether they are susceptible to contracting the disease or not. Therefore, it is very important to know the description of nurses' anxiety in the inpatient room. This study aims to determine the description of nurses' anxiety in the inpatient ward of the Tangerang District Hospital in July 2021. The research method used was a descriptive survey, using the sampling method using the purposive sampling method, the sample obtained was 72 respondents. This research instrument uses an online questionnaire. The results showed No Anxiety (84.7%), Mild Anxiety (2.8%), Moderate Anxiety (5.6%), Severe Anxiety (6.9%), Severe Anxiety Panic (0%). The conclusion of this study regarding the description of the anxiety of nurses in the inpatient room at the Tangerang District Hospital, the authors concluded that most of the nurses in the inpatient room did not experience anxiety.


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